[Update: 2/9/2022: The motion has been passed. 0-votes for no. 23-votes for yes. The NoVAGO bylaws have been updated to reflect the change and can be found here: https://www.novago.org/wp/bylaws]
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A motion has been made to make a change in the current NOVAGO club bylaws. A vote must be put before the membership to approve.
The 2022 NOVAGO Officers have been blessed with more volunteers than our current bylaws allow to serve on the Board of Directors. The current wording of the bylaws allows a maximum of five (5) appointed directors. The 2022 NOVAGO officers would like to be able to appoint no more than six (6) directors.
The new wording of Article X, Section 1 shall be changed to read.
The board shall consist of Current Officers and a maximum of six (6) “Director(s)”of this Organization appointed by the Elected Officers. One Director position shall be automatically filled by the outgoing President. The Current Officers may select any active members at large to fill the remaining positions. Should the past president be re-elected or elected to another office, the position may be filled by any active member. Only Current Officers of this Organization shall retain the powers granted to the board in Article IX.
All members of this page (logged in) may vote for this change January 30-February 5, 2022 at the following link: