Now in Planning… “Celebrating 25 Years of Geocaching in the DMV” event

Now in Planning… “Celebrating 25 Years of Geocaching in the DMV” event Scheduled for September 20th, 2025, this event is a combined effort of both MGS and NoVAGO. Everyone is welcome! Please log your will-attend. If there are enough people in attendance, the event may be granted Block Party status. … Continue reading


Volunteers Needed for Fall Picnic

Volunteers Needed for Fall Picnic We need someone to help set up and heat up the grill at the start of our fall picnic. We also need someone to cook hot dogs and hamburgers. Additionally, we need help with clean up at the end of the picnic. Typically these duties fall on the shoulders of board members and/or directors. Helping out is a great way to show your support for your local geocaching community. Volunteering will help you meet people and make new friends and is the fastest way to be the cool kid in the group. If you think you can help for part or all of the picnic, e-mail Northern Virginia Geocaching Organization is hosting its annual fall picnic and silent auction fundraiser on Sunday, October 20th, 11am-2pm at Locust Shade Park in Triangle, VA. For event page, visit NoVAGO Fall Picnic (GCAXQTF)


SAVE THE DATE! 2024 NoVAGO Spring Picnic & Awards

Northern Virginia Geocaching Organization invites you to join our spring picnic. In addition to eating burgers, hot dogs, and potluck sides, there will lots of opportunities to meet nice folks and trade geocaching stories. The award winners for the 2023 Best of NoVAGO will be announced at the picnic as well.  Where: Chet Hobert Park, 225 Al Smith Circle, Berryville – Rotary ShelterWhen: Sunday, May 19, 2022, 11:00 am – 2:00 pmPlease RSVP on the Event Page. 

Nominees for NOVAGO’s 2023 Geocache Awards

Nominees for NOVAGO’s 2023 Geocache Awards Thanks to all those who took the time to send in nominations. While not all nominations were able to make the final cut, we were impressed with every suggestion. The hardworking awards committee have compiled the caches on this list from the very best of 2023. We invite all geocachers to go out and find as many of these wonderful caches as possible. For a geocaching friendly list, CLICK HERE. Click Here to Vote (link will be active April 1-15) Voting is scheduled to be open for ALL categories April 1-15, 2024. Winners will be announced at our NoVAGO 2024 Spring Picnic and Awards Event on May 19th in Berryville. [Details of the event will be in a future post.] Without further ado, here are the nominees: Best Traditional Cache (GCA7TTZ) April Showers by treasures4us (GCAAYK9) Choose Your Own Adventure – Trekking By The … Continue reading

2023 Cache Award Nominations are now OPEN

Each year NoVAGO honors some of the best caches that were placed in Northern Virginia. Cache nominations and awards are a chance for you to recognize the efforts of fellow NoVAGO cachers who have placed hides that you have enjoyed.  Help recognize the great caches and the people who placed them by nominating your favorites for the 2023 NoVAGO Cache Awards! Categories have changed since last year. It is strongly recommended that you review the award categories BEFORE heading to the nomination form.  Full description of award categories can be found at Award Categories – Updates for 2024 The link below will take you to the nomination form. As you will see on the form, you will be finding your favorite caches in a drop down list selected by the awards committee, with the option to search with key words. The format of this form works best on a computer. … Continue reading

Meet the New Board & Thank 2023! Event

Northern Virginia Geocaching Organization is pleased to announce the 2024 board of officers and directors. PRESIDENT – ThompsonKickers VICE PRESIDENT – RufnRedy SECRETARY – TrexM8s TREASURER – freddiecrs PUPLIC RELATIONS – hrothroc DIRECTORS – (determined upon vote of first board meeting) Every year, we host an event to let you meet our new officers (most of them will be there.) We also use this gathering to thank our outgoing board members and directors, as well as volunteers who have helped make NoVAGO great in the previous year. If you’ve hosted an event in the Northern Virginia area in 2023, we thank you. Thanks 2023! Event (GCAHRY9) January 21, 2023, 3:00-4:00 pm Santini’s New York Style Deli*3980 Corsair CtChantilly, VA 20151 *No purchase required to attend event. … Continue reading

Voting Open for 2024 NoVAGO Officers

VOTING OPEN FOR 2024 NoVAGO Officers Last month we asked our membership to nominate volunteers to fill the officer positions for the 2024 board. You can read that article with the job descriptions by CLICKING HERE. You can also find a link to our By-Laws here. Thanks go out to our board members who are returning in one way or another for 2024. The following candidates will be automatically sworn into office on the first of January: Dave P. (rufnredy) for Vice President, Monica L. (TrexM8s) for Secretary, Freddie C. (freddiecrs) for Treasurer, and Heather C (hrothroc) for Public Relations. The office of president is the only contested position this year. Please read a little about each candidate in the drop menu below before heading to the voting form. Gina T. “ThompsonKickers” What is your caching name? My name is Gina T. (ThompsonKickers) and I have graciously accepted the nomination … Continue reading


Happy 123sDay Trackable

To help you celebrate this New Year’s Eve and its doubly cool date – 12/31/23, NoVAGO and MGS are pursuing a joint fundraiser for area cachers. The two groups are working with Oakcoins/GeoSwag to produce three customized versions of the World Wide Group Project Happy 123sDay trackable ( The MGS version will feature colors from the Maryland state flag. In the NoVAGO version, the trackable will highlight the blues and greens of the great Virginia outdoors. There will also be an American version featuring red, white and blue. These fundraisers will only be available through MGS and NoVAGO. You can purchase one trackable for $15, two trackables for $25 or three trackables for $35. Your trackables will be delivered during NoVAGO and MGS caching events on New Year’s Eve. By November 13, please share your purchase plans with NoVAGO or MGS. Payments will not be due until after the trackables are delivered in December. If you have questions, please … Continue reading

Accepting Nominations for 2024 NoVAGO Officers

NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN! All the events and activities you enjoy throughout the year are the result of a very dedicated team, also known as your board! Nominations for the following NoVAGO Officer positions are now being accepted through November 30: PresidentVice PresidentSecretaryTreasurerPublic Relations The terms for these positions start January 1, 2024 and last for the full year. Directors will be selected by the Officers during the first part of 2024 to serve during the year. You can (and should) check out the job descriptions below to see what is involved. You can find the official descriptions in the NoVAGO By-laws. Currently serving Officers are listed in our About NoVAGO section. As current President Gina Thompson (thompsonkickers) mentioned recently in her monthly NoVAGO message, we especially encourage local cachers with NoVAGO volunteer experience to give consideration to being nominated. If you are interested, or know someone who is interested, in … Continue reading