Voting Open for 2024 NoVAGO Officers

VOTING OPEN FOR 2024 NoVAGO Officers Last month we asked our membership to nominate volunteers to fill the officer positions for the 2024 board. You can read that article with the job descriptions by CLICKING HERE. You can also find a link to our By-Laws here. Thanks go out to our board members who are returning in one way or another for 2024. The following candidates will be automatically sworn into office on the first of January: Dave P. (rufnredy) for Vice President, Monica L. (TrexM8s) for Secretary, Freddie C. (freddiecrs) for Treasurer, and Heather C (hrothroc) for Public Relations. The office of president is the only contested position this year. Please read a little about each candidate in the drop menu below before heading to the voting form. Gina T. “ThompsonKickers” What is your caching name? My name is Gina T. (ThompsonKickers) and I have graciously accepted the nomination … Continue reading


NoVAGO Board Appoints Members to Officer Nomination & Elections Committee

At the July board meeting, officers voted to activate a committee charged with gathering nominations for the 2024 slate of officers. This committee will also manage the election. We would like to thank Michael Schwandt (aka schwandt) and Jesse Chou (aka MrPsyduck) for volunteering for to be on this committee and for taking on this task. If these names sound familiar, it is because they were also the dynamic duo who ran our 2023 cache awards. If you are interested in being a part of NoVAGO’s future and are considering a run for office, please reach out to a current officer and we will put you in touch with the committee.

Voting Open for 2023 NoVAGO Officers

VOTING OPEN FOR 2023 NoVAGO Officers Last month we asked our membership to nominate volunteers to fill the officer positions for the 2023 board. You can read that article with the job descriptions by CLICKING HERE. You can also find a link to our By-Laws here. [This post has been updated from a previous version, no longer on the site. If you voted before December 8th, your first vote was deleted and you may vote again in this new election.] The office of president is the only contested position this year. Please read a little about each candidate in the drop menu below before heading to the voting form. Christopher G. “Awesnap” Christopher G. “Awesnap” I have been a member of NoVAGO for 10 years. Any current or previous positions held in NoVAGO? Director (2014 & 2020) and Public Relations Officer (2016-2019 & 2021) When asked if I was interested … Continue reading