Accepting Nominations for 2024 NoVAGO Officers


All the events and activities you enjoy throughout the year are the result of a very dedicated team, also known as your board! Nominations for the following NoVAGO Officer positions are now being accepted through November 30:

Vice President
Public Relations

The terms for these positions start January 1, 2024 and last for the full year. Directors will be selected by the Officers during the first part of 2024 to serve during the year. You can (and should) check out the job descriptions below to see what is involved. You can find the official descriptions in the NoVAGO By-laws. Currently serving Officers are listed in our About NoVAGO section.

As current President Gina Thompson (thompsonkickers) mentioned recently in her monthly NoVAGO message, we especially encourage local cachers with NoVAGO volunteer experience to give consideration to being nominated.

If you are interested, or know someone who is interested, in serving NoVAGO during 2024, please reach out to Jesse (MrPsyduck) or Michael (schwandt) at by November 30. If you have questions, feel free to contact us at that e-mail address or through


The president is in charge of all of the organization’s activities and business. All other officers report to the president. The president must give an annual report to the board, like a State of the NoVAGO speech, along with his/her plans for the future. The president must present the budget for the fiscal year.


The vice-president shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President and make arrangements for scheduling meeting dates and locations. The vice-president also supervises committees, when we have them.


The secretary keeps the minutes of the board and performs any other duties with might be prescribed by the president or board.


The treasurer has charge and custody of all the funds of the organization and keeps full and accurate records of receipts and disbursements, deposits money into the NoVAGO bank account, makes payments when requested by the board, and makes reports on transactions and the financial condition of the organization. The treasurer is in charge of forecasting and financial planning and assists the president in preparing the annual budget.


It is the job of the public relations officer to present the advantages of being a member of the NoVAGO in association with Geocaching, as a healthy and enjoyable hobby/sport in general, utilizing all media and/or means at his/her disposal. The public relations officer will be the official “welcome wagon” on the website and other social media. This entails keeping content of the website current and relevant and by encouraging members to interact with the website, its forums, or other social media. The public relations officer will be responsible for the website and associated accounts, its ongoing maintenance, updates, and overall management. The public relations officer will work with other organizations to increase the awareness of the NoVAGO inside of the hobby and work with organizations outside of the hobby who may acquire an interest in the relationship to Geocaching through the NoVAGO. The public relations officer will inquire of the membership for potential participation in media interviews, presentations, classes, and assist the other officers in awards and ceremonies. The public relations officer must be available to spend a great majority of events at the registration table as well as help the other officers in any presentations or themes for events.

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