
Happy 123sDay Trackable

To help you celebrate this New Year’s Eve and its doubly cool date – 12/31/23, NoVAGO and MGS are pursuing a joint fundraiser for area cachers. The two groups are working with Oakcoins/GeoSwag to produce three customized versions of the World Wide Group Project Happy 123sDay trackable ( The MGS version will feature colors from the Maryland state flag. In the NoVAGO version, the trackable will highlight the blues and greens of the great Virginia outdoors. There will also be an American version featuring red, white and blue. These fundraisers will only be available through MGS and NoVAGO. You can purchase one trackable for $15, two trackables for $25 or three trackables for $35. Your trackables will be delivered during NoVAGO and MGS caching events on New Year’s Eve. By November 13, please share your purchase plans with NoVAGO or MGS. Payments will not be due until after the trackables are delivered in December. If you have questions, please … Continue reading

Accepting Nominations for 2024 NoVAGO Officers

NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN! All the events and activities you enjoy throughout the year are the result of a very dedicated team, also known as your board! Nominations for the following NoVAGO Officer positions are now being accepted through November 30: PresidentVice PresidentSecretaryTreasurerPublic Relations The terms for these positions start January 1, 2024 and last for the full year. Directors will be selected by the Officers during the first part of 2024 to serve during the year. You can (and should) check out the job descriptions below to see what is involved. You can find the official descriptions in the NoVAGO By-laws. Currently serving Officers are listed in our About NoVAGO section. As current President Gina Thompson (thompsonkickers) mentioned recently in her monthly NoVAGO message, we especially encourage local cachers with NoVAGO volunteer experience to give consideration to being nominated. If you are interested, or know someone who is interested, in … Continue reading

2023 NoVAGO Fall Picnic & Auction

2023 Fall Picnic Image

All are invited to the 2023 NoVAGO Fall Picnic! Our fall picnic is an annual event hosted by the board members of the Northern Virginia Geocaching Organization. We will have grills going and will provide hot dogs and hamburgers and members will bring their favorite potluck-style sides to share. Please log your “Will Attend” on the official event page at least a few days before so that we know how much meats to purchase. In your log, you might want to mention what food you are bringing, just so we don’t end up with two dozen types of potato salad. In addition to food and conversation, participants will have the opportunity to bid on donated auction items. You can find a link to the cache event page here. Who is the picnic for? The event is open to everyone interested in geocaching. While most in attendance will be locals from … Continue reading


NoVAGO Board Appoints Members to Officer Nomination & Elections Committee

At the July board meeting, officers voted to activate a committee charged with gathering nominations for the 2024 slate of officers. This committee will also manage the election. We would like to thank Michael Schwandt (aka schwandt) and Jesse Chou (aka MrPsyduck) for volunteering for to be on this committee and for taking on this task. If these names sound familiar, it is because they were also the dynamic duo who ran our 2023 cache awards. If you are interested in being a part of NoVAGO’s future and are considering a run for office, please reach out to a current officer and we will put you in touch with the committee.

2022 Special Volunteer Recognition 

Each spring, NoVAGO recognizes outstanding caches and cachers for their contributions to our game during the previous year. Included in those honors is recognition of the Volunteer of the Year. This year, the Officers and Board of Directors have voted to add a Special Volunteer Recognition. The organization will select a separate Volunteer of the Year from the finalists nominated by the membership. NoVAGO is pleased to announce the 2022 Special Volunteer Recognition for Serrabou and Zippy Finn. These two special members volunteered their time and talents for the 2022 NoVAGO-sponsored NoVAGO U. cache series. They went above and beyond the caching to deliver entertaining games, puzzles, events, and experiences for the participants – and the on-looking caching community. 2022 is not the first year they have wowed northern Virginia – and we hope it will not be the last. When the awards ballot is released in April, the voting … Continue reading


SAVE THE DATE! NoVAGO Spring Picnic & Awards

Northern Virginia Geocaching Organization invites you to join our spring picnic. In addition to eating burgers, hot dogs, and potluck sides, there will lots of opportunities to meet nice folks and trade geocaching stories. The award winners for the 2022 Best of NoVAGO will be announced at the picnic as well.  Where: James S. Long Regional Park, 4603 James Madison Highway, Haymarket, VA 20169 When: Saturday, May 6, 2022, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Please RSVP on the Event Page.

Nominees for NOVAGO’s 2022 Geocache Awards

Nominees for NOVAGO’s 2022 Geocache Awards Thanks to all those who took the time to send in nominations. While not all nominations were able to make the final cut, we were impressed with every suggestion. The hardworking awards committee have compiled the caches on this list from the very best of 2022. We invite all geocachers to go out and find as many of these wonderful caches as possible. For a geocaching friendly list, CLICK HERE. Click Here to Vote Voting is scheduled to be open for ALL categories April 1-15, 2023. Winners will be announced at our NoVAGO 2023 Spring Picnic and Awards Event on May 6, 2023. Details of the event are in another post. Without further ado, here are the nominees: Best Traditional Cache Gods of Fairfax – Apollo (GC9VQ57) by Djglitterbunz Kindness Rocks TB Hotel (GC9RXFB) by HyperactiveGirl TB Hotel The Green Lodge (GC9K3ZN) by TheWanderesss … Continue reading

Cache Awards Nominations are Coming!

Coming Soon: 2022 NoVAGO Awards Nominations! NoVAGO cachers, put your nominating caps on! In the next few days, NoVAGO will open nominations to recognize caches published in Northern Virginia during 2022 and to recognize cacher contributions during the year. Nominations will be accepted for a couple of weeks, you will have a few weeks to visit the nominees that you have not found yet, and then a couple of weeks to cast your ballots. Winners will be announced at the NoVAGO Spring Picnic. So, start reviewing your Favorites lists for the past year and be prepared to nominate caches in categories that will include physically challenging hides, devious hides, beautiful locations, nice hikes, and various types, including Adventure Labs. You can also nominate rookies, cachers and volunteers for their accomplishments. We will publish a link on the NoVAGO site and the NoVAGO Facebook pages. This link will take you to … Continue reading

Meet the New Board & Thank the Volunteers

Northern Virginia Geocaching Organization is pleased to announce the 2023 board of officers and directors. PRESIDENT – ThompsonKickers VICE PRESIDENT – TheWanderesss SECRETARY – TrexM8s TREASURER – freddiecrs PUPLIC RELATIONS – hrothroc DIRECTORS – DePhogration, CherokeeThree, Pfenix, TheColdedge Every year, we host an event to let you meet our new officers (most of them will be there.) We also use this gathering to thank our outgoing board members, as well as volunteers who have helped make NoVAGO great in the previous year. If you’ve hosted an event in the Northern Virginia area in 2022, we thank you. Special thanks to Nothereeither, Effstop, Zippyfinn, Serrabou, Rufnredy, Awesnap, and most of the people listed above who are staying on from last year. 2022 Thanks! Event (GCA2WX8) January 22, 2023, 2:00-4:00 pm Santini’s New York Style Deli3980 Corsair CtChantilly, VA 20151 … Continue reading