Nominees for NOVAGO’s 2023 Geocache Awards

Nominees for NOVAGO’s 2023 Geocache Awards

Thanks to all those who took the time to send in nominations. While not all nominations were able to make the final cut, we were impressed with every suggestion. The hardworking awards committee have compiled the caches on this list from the very best of 2023. We invite all geocachers to go out and find as many of these wonderful caches as possible. For a geocaching friendly list, CLICK HERE.

Click Here to Vote

(link will be active April 1-15)

Voting is scheduled to be open for ALL categories April 1-15, 2024. Winners will be announced at our NoVAGO 2024 Spring Picnic and Awards Event on May 19th in Berryville. [Details of the event will be in a future post.]

Without further ado, here are the nominees:

Best Traditional Cache

(GCA7TTZ) April Showers by treasures4us

(GCAAYK9) Choose Your Own Adventure – Trekking By The Creek by supertodd88

(GCAD4G2)  NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Miracle by VAPirate

(GCAEQB7) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: The Sound of Music by rlobecker

(GCAF7C3) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Rescue Rangers by TheWanderesss

Best Mystery/Puzzle Cache

(GCA77CY) Honey Hole: Oyster by Serrabou

(GCAB6QJ) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: The Final Cut by SP4FUN

(GCADBHQ) LEGO my cache by kiisikwa

(GCAEPVZ) NoVAGO Moviepalooza:Nat’l Treasure:Book of Secrets by sedor18

(GCAFC0F) geoCAPTCHA by rlobecker

Best Multi-Cache

(GCA86C2) Honey Hole: Chicken of the Woods by Serrabou

(GCAA4CH) Fairy Tales and Fables: The Fisherman and His Wife by GriffinTamer88

(GCAD9N6) Golf Coast by Navigator_79

(GCAE69K) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Caddyshack by supertodd88

(GCAEKH8) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Godzilla (1954) by CWillyPngn

Best Letterbox Hybrid

(GCA5E1E) Ground Control | Kings Park | Mission A by rlobecker

(GCA7DVW) Bonzi O’Leary by flyingmoose

(GCABENM) Doggo Walking:  Wave at The Barns by frumiousb

(GCACVD5) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Forrest Gump by GoshdarnGeniuses

(GCAFDYF) Letterbox at Laurel Hill by SP4FUN

Best Other (Earthcache, Wherigo, or Virtual)

(GCA3ZB9) EarthcacheWelcome to THE GAP by Awesnap

(GCADRKV) EarthcacheBric(k) a brac by kiisikwa

(GCADXX9) WherigoSleepy Hollow by CWillyPngn

Best Theme/Series

BRWT (Bull Run Water Trail) by jemcjb

CHP CFT (Chet Hobert Park) by schwandt

Honey Hole by Serrabou

Rebus Puzzle (#1 – #27) by mcgmarauders

2nd Annual Turkey Drop by various owners

Best Container

(GCA4GHW) WWll Mystery Cache by henryvooys

(GCA7X7G) A Little House in the Big Woods #1 by treasures4us

(GCAD4G2)  NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Miracle by VAPirate

(GCAD8MH) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: The Raven by hrothroc

(GCAEKH8) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Godzilla (1954) by CWillyPngn

Most Creative Cache Page

(GCAAYK9) Choose Your Own Adventure – Trekking By The Creek by supertodd88

(GCAFC0F) geoCAPTCHA by rlobecker

Most Outstanding Location/Scenery

(GCA60FR) Capitol View by Mr Smeee

(GCA6A9M) Honey Hole: Morel by Serrabou

(GCA77CY) Honey Hole: Oyster by Serrabou

(GCAA1AH) BRWT#8: Bald Eagle (Bonus) by jemcjb

(GCAE69K) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Caddyshack by supertodd88

Best Historical/Educational Cache

(GCA4V7B) Soldiers and S*P*Y*S by Navigator_79

(GCA9KZ6) The Fake Boundary Stone by sedor18

(GCA9N87) SW2 Boundary Stone Letterbox: Retrocession by sedor18

(GCAGAJ8) Jennie Dean Memorial Adventure Lab Bonus by Awesnap

Most Physically Challenging to Find

(GCABV34) W & OD Greenway Air Mail by T_N_C

(GCAE69K) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Caddyshack by supertodd88

(GCAECZ9) Gym Class “Rope” Climb by supertodd88

(GCAEV0A) Beach Park Climbing Mission by sedor18

(GCAF4RN) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Them by freddiecrs

Best Kids Cache

(GCACVD5) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Forrest Gump by GoshdarnGeniuses

(GCADXX9) Sleepy Hollow by CWillyPngn

(GCAEKH8) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Godzilla (1954) by CWillyPngn

(GCAF3E0) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Toy Story by CherokeeThree

(GCAF7C3) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Rescue Rangers by TheWanderesss

Best Event Host (for an Event or CITO)

Rookie/Newcomer of the Year

Youth Rookie/Newcomer of the Year

Youth Cacher of the Year

Volunteer of the Year

Nominees in this category will be selected by the 2023 board and winner will be presented at the spring picnic.

Best Adventure Lab Series

Alice in Wonderland by ThompsonKickers

BURNINATING Grumpy Daddy’s Favorite Manassas Spots by Sneaky_Molly

Moviepalooza Mouse House Part One and Part Two created by Awesnap

NoVAGO Moviepaloosa Family Movie Night by SP4FUN

Cache of the Year

(GCA4JPD) Fairy Tales and Fables: The Three Little Pigs by GriffinTamer88

(GCACVD5) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Forrest Gump by GoshdarnGeniuses

(GCAEPVZ) NoVAGO Moviepalooza:Nat’l Treasure:Book of Secrets by sedor18

(GCAEQB7) NoVAGO Moviepalooza: The Sound of Music by rlobecker

(GCAFC0F) geoCAPTCHA by rlobecker

Nominees who make it to the NoVAGO annual cache awards final voting ballot may add this special SWAG to their cache page and to their profile as desired:

<center><img src="" width="300" height="200" /></center>

Do you qualify for the NoVAGO’s Best of 2023 Challenge? This year we are celebrating all great caches published in 2023. Find 25 or more within the NoVAGO territories which have 5+ favorite points to qualify. Thank you vpdj for placing and maintaining this cache. (GCAMB00)

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