NoVAGO’s 2011 Cache Award Nominations

Each year we hold voting to highlight some of the best caches that were placed in the NoVAGO area. This is a chance for you to recognize the efforts of your fellow NoVAGO cachers who have placed hides that you have enjoyed (or hope to enjoy one day!) From now and until the 18th of March, we will be taking nominations for the categories below. The list of nominated caches and cachers will be posted for everyone to check out and then vote on, starting on or about March 21st, and will continue for a month when voting will be locked. A special cache will be placed that will require you to visit a good percentage of the nominated caches in order to log the cache. (Check back later for details.) The winners will be announced at the Spring NOVAGO event. See more HERE! … Continue reading

NoVAGO Winter bike and hike at Burke Lake: February 25th

NoVAGO is hosting the first Seasonal Event, “NoVAGO Winter bike and hike at Burke Lake” on February 25th.  Do you like donuts, and other assorted pastries?  How about hot coffee, tea, or maybe hot chocolate?  How about socializing with some great folks, and getting a little exercise?  If so…then this NoVAGO Event is bound to please you.  The Meet-Greet-Eat portion begins late morning, and is then followed by a “voluntary” circumnavigation of Burke Lake by biking or hiking. Everyone is welcome…new cachers, old cachers, NoVAGO members – or not…just show up, a good time is always guaranteed.  Click the blue title bar above to visit the event topic in the NoVAGO Forums, or look up GC3C1K3 on

NoVAGO Fall Event: Tour de Arlington (GC33V8K)

NoVAGO will host this years Fall Event: “Tour de Arlington” on October 23rd, 2011 in Glencarlyn Park, Arlington, VA. Whether you’re a long time cacher, or brand new cacher…NoVAGO member or not – especially if you’re not – mark your calendar for what promises to be another fantastic seasonal event!  There will be a pre-event caching bike ride along local paved park trails, good food , good folks, and a good time is always guaranteed.  There are a number of existing geocaches, and I hear there’s a great possibility that some new ones will also be available.  Plan now to attend and renew old friendships, and make some new ones.  For complete information, and the event schedule just click on the blue title bar for this post, and you’ll go right to the event cache page.  See you there!!!

Summer Event Silent Auction “Primer & Catalog”

NoVAGO conducts one Silent Auction each year (traditionally at our seasonal Summer Event) to help defray the cost of the entrees for each event, site/pavilion rentals throughout they year, website hosting, etc.  NoVAGO never has, and will not charge membership fees…the Silent Auction has always ensured that.  If you have never taken part in a Silent Auction…you don’t know the fun you’re missing…if you have entered the “bidding fray” before, then I’m sure you’re looking forward to doing it again.  An explanation of of the process, and a list of auction items can be viewed by clicking on the blue title bar for this post.  If you have items you’d like to donate, please contact NetworkCacher via his GC.Com Profile, PM through the NoVAGO Forum, or e-mail him direct.

NoVAGO Summer Heat in the Forest Event GC2XJT2

On Saturday, July 16th, 2011…from 10 AM to 1 PM (or later) at Prince William Forest Park, Triangle, VA. Summer is in full swing, and so is NoVAGO!! Come join us for a full day of fun, good food, stories, a Silent Auction, and a guaranteed good time!! Everyone is invited – newcomers, old timers, makes no difference if you have 1 geocache find or 10,000…we’d love to see you there! And you certainly do not have to be a NoVAGO member to attend (we’ll work on getting you to join after you arrive).  Please click on the blue title bar for this article to go right to the cache page.

NoVAGO 2010 Cache & Cacher Award Honorees

NoVAGO peers selected the following caches and cachers for recognition as the best of the best for 2010.  The announcement was made yesterday at the NoVAGO Spring Event at the Blue Ridge Center.  A big CONGRATULATIONS to those cache owners, and individuals so honored…and a big THANK YOU on behalf of NoVAGO for the contributions you’ve made to keep this pastime so enjoyable for all of us.  Please remember to thank and congratulate them when you see them on the trail, or at a future event. Best Theme/Series Alien Invaders by Buglady1 (GC2HHE8 GC2HG5X GC2HHVZ GC2JE0D GC2JE3B) Best Kids Cache Fishy Canyon by Ty (of team Serrabou) (GC2FV5Q) Best Location Cache Uncached Territory by mapman132 (GC238VA) Best Hike Serrabou Cove by Serrabou (GC2895Q) Best History-Related Cache (TIE) The 3 R’s 1897 Style by 2Wheel’in (GC25JGA) Stratford Junior High (Custis Trail Series) by LostDogsArlington (GC2KG0M) Best Multi-Stage Cache VSP Sky Meadows … Continue reading

NoVAGO Spring Event At The Blue Ridge Center (GC2RR99)

Spring is sprung, the grass is riz…ain’t you glad you is?  NoVAGO’s first seasonal event the “Spring Event At The Blue Ridge Center” will be held on 15 May 2011.  Come one, come all…you don’t have to be a NoVAGO member, you don’t even have to be a Virginian…whether you’re a new cacher, or an old timer…come on out and meet some great folks, eat some delicious food, and have a great time – it’s guaranteed!!  You can find all the particulars for this event by clicking on the blue title bar for this post.

NoVAGO’s 2010 Cache Awards Voting

Hey!, do you enjoy finding micro caches? – how about traditionals, puzzles, multis….does just finding a cache of any type brings a “Smilie” to your face?  Well, here’s your chance to recognize those caches and cachers that bring you so much joy.  Voting instructions and the list of NoVAGO’s 2010 most outstanding caches and cachers is below …and it’s time to pick your favorites by voting.  The polls close at midnight on April 30th, and the most outstanding caches and cachers will be announced shortly thereafter – probably at the NoVAGO Spring Event.  Please take the time to vote.   NoVAGO’s 2010 Geocache Awards Below are the caches and cachers up for awards. Votes will be accepted up until midnight May 10th. Vote by picking one cache or cacher from each category, and email your votes to: Please include your geocaching userid. There will be extra incentive to visit … Continue reading

NoVAGO “Frozen Event” GC1132A 27 Feb 2011

Come one, come all to what (regardless of the weather) promises to be a warm time with good friends.  Long time geocacher, or just getting started, NoVAGO member, or not…everyone is welcome.  NoVAGO is hosting a “Frozen Event” GC1132A at Lake Fairfax Park, click the blue title bar above to go right to the cache page. – Specifics are: 9am, 27 February 2011 Lake Fairfax Pavilion “K” (next to the lake) Coffee and other hot beverages along with breakfast pastries will be provided. NoVAGO Coins and Patches will be available for purchase. Lake Fairfax Park has many geocaches, and there will even be a few new ones!! Lake Fairfax Park Ranger attending (tentative). Maybe a cache run to the BAT-21 caches if anyone is interested (since the final of the series is in the same park.).

NoVAGO Vote 2011: Call for Nominations

Hey, it’s November and that means (according to the bylaws) that it is “Open Season” in NoVAGO!!  What’s that mean??  It means that nominations for the calendar year 2011 Officer positions (President, Vice President, Secretary, Public Relations, and Treasurer) are being solicited this month.  There is an open topic in the NoVAGO News & Announcements Forum (click the blue title bar above to go to it) which explains the time line, nomination procedures, and the voting procedures.  Typically, NoVAGO does a poorer job with elections than the American public does during off-years…let’s reverse that trend.  We’d really like to see lots of nominations, followed by a BIG voter turnout.  You don’t have to be a long time cacher, or long time member of NoVAGO to nominate/vote…you just need to show some interest in your organization!  Please take the time to do so. The 2010 Officers have done a truly outstanding … Continue reading