NoVAGO Puzzle Class Event (GC1V7V2)

A class to share puzzle solving tips and ideas. Time is 6:30- 8:00 on July 29th. Location is the Chantilly branch of the Fairfax County Public Library located at Stringfellow Road and Rt. 50. Some people seek out puzzles and some avoid them like the plague. I think the latter group (I think know cphug184 is talking about me there) misses out on two things: some fantastic caches and the double victory of the solve and the find.  I marvel at some of the creativity of fellow cachers out there and they add value to my caching experience. I hope to give you some tools to enjoy similar experiences.  This evening, we will discuss some generic types of puzzles using some local puzzles and some not so local.  We will talk about how to figure out what possible paths to take to solve puzzles and we will share some internet … Continue reading

Hmmm… It’s A Certain Someone’s Birthday ;) GC1V4X9

Rufnredy is “aholic” – he’s a cache-aholic, he’s a pizza-aholic, and mostly he’s a friend-aholic…and he’d like his friends to join him in celebrating his birthday.  GC1V4X9 is an event cache, and will be held at Ci Ci’s on 21 July 09.  You can find all the particulars on the cache page, click the blue Post Title to be redirected. Ruf’s as healthy as an Ox, but he’s been known to do some really foolish things while hiking in the woods – if his luck changes for the worse…well, he just may not be around to celebrate next year, so come on out and wish him a happy birthday before it’s too late.  The event is also a great way for old friends to catch up, make some new friends…and for the newer members of NoVAGO to put some faces to names.  Good Food, Good Times, Good Fun — see … Continue reading

REMINDER: GC1MPYN Flash Mob Wedding 31 May 09

“Wedding Bells” (Are breaking up that old gang of mine) by the 4 Aces.  Ok, so most of you aren’t old enough to remember that song.  That said, here’s a chance to take part in a wedding.  The TeamObbie1 “Flash Mob” wedding is Sunday, May 31st 2009.  It’s a regular celebratory trifecta: Attend a unique wedding; partake in a Flash Mob; Attend a geocaching event.  For complete details please goto the cache event page here –  Please remember to pay particular attention to the “logging requirements”, reception to follow at the Temporary Road Picnic Pavilion (walking distance).  Come join friends, family, and your fellow NoVAGO’ers in wishing Dave and Lori a lifetime of wedded happiness. … Continue reading

NoVAGO 2008 Cache/Cacher Voting to End 10 May 09

One of the items on the agenda for the May 17th 2009, NoVAGO “Spring has Sprung” Event (GC1QBV1) is the announcement of the 2008 NoVAGO Geocache Award Winners.  In order for that to happen, the voting results have to be tallied, so the deadline for submitting your vote(s) is established as midnight, Sunday, May 10th 2009.  That means this coming weekend will be your last chance to visit those nominated caches.  Please show your appreciation for all the enjoyment you get out of geocaching by participating in the voting process.

Where can I, how can I, is there???

Who the heck are CVGA and MGS?  What’s the most popular GPS receiver?  Where can a “newbie” ask questions?  What’s CAM?  How do I project a Waypoint?  Who’s in the Cacher Spotlight?  What does YAPIDKA mean?  When is Team Obbie1 getting married?  Can I write a review on a favorite cache?  Who owns a Delorme PN-40?  How can I find someone to cache with?  How do I volunteer to help NoVAGO grow?  Where can I get some technical advice?  How many NoVAGO members are there?  What’s the Maryland Municipal League (MML) Series?  Who’s in charge(sic), and why?  Are there any geocaching games/competitions?  Can I get help placing my first cache?  What’s GeoWoodstock, and when/where is it?  How can I find out about upcoming NoVAGO events?  What’s the NoVAGO Cache Rescue Mission all about?  How old is NoVAGO? — ok, you get the idea. When it comes to NoVAGO and geocaching, do … Continue reading

NoVAGO 2008 Cache Awards: Call for Nominations

Yahoo, it’s recognition time!!! Time to recognize those caches, and cachers who have made geocaching in the NoVAGO area a rewarding experience. The NoVAGO 2008 Cache Awards Program is now accepting nominations in the following categories: Best Theme/Series Best Kids’ Cache Best Location Best Hike Best History-Related Cache Best Multi-Stage Best Mystery/Puzzle Best Cache (or Series) Outside NoVa Most Creative Cache Most Challenging-to-Find Cache Best Picture in 2008 posted to a cache log Best Log in 2008 on a Cache Cache of Year Rookie of the Year (any cacher that found their first cache after August 1st, 2007) Cacher of the Year Nominations will close on 15 March, and actual voting will commence on or about 16 March. Please refer to this topic in the NoVAGO News & Announcements Forum for full particulars. Everyone plays this game their own way, and you no doubt enjoy it or you wouldn’t be … Continue reading

2009 NoVAGO Meet and Greet/Sit and Eat

Don’t forget to attend the 2009 NoVAGO Meet and Greet/Sit and Eat this Sunday, February 15 at George Mason Library on Little River Turnpike in Annandale.   Meet the new officers and board, find out the direction of NoVAGO in the upcoming year and see how you can enhance your caching experience! Also, cache pages for new caches will be provided.  There are 5+ ALLH (A Little Local History) caches, all within Annandale. … Continue reading

Two Upcoming Events Scheduled

Do you like to meet interesting, like minded, friendly people? How about good food…do you like good food? Then GC1KZYG “Over the Hump – Once Again” is an Event you should really enjoy. It takes place on 11 Feb 09, starting at 6:30PM at the Fuddruckers in Annandale. (Thanks to D&C for reviving this one). Now…if you do not like people or food, but you do like books…then take a gander at GC1KR68 “Well Would You Look At That?”. It”s a month long 2-28 Feb 09 Geocaching Display, constructed by NetworkCacher for NoVAGO, in the Kings Park Library, Fairfax County, Burke, VA. This one will do much to educate the public about geocaching, and will also increase awareness of the pastime as legitimate recreational activity. What a fantastic idea!!

3 Cache Events closing in Fast!!

Just a gentle reminder that we have 3 events (2 Member and 1 NoVAGO) right around the corner. Rocky Run Stream Valley Park CITO 25 Oct 08 GC1GZR2 WWFM? (World Wide Flash Mob) GC1H472 8 Nov 08 Huntley Meadows CITO: Dogue Creek GC1GW7P 22 Nov 08 Details are in the scrolling box, upper right-hand corner of this Home Page. The CITOs are a great way to give back to the community and land managers, and the WWFM is pure fun – you have to see it, and take part in it to believe it! Come on out. … Continue reading