Northern Virginia Geocaching Organization is pleased to announce the 2023 board of officers and directors.
- PRESIDENT – ThompsonKickers
- VICE PRESIDENT – TheWanderesss
- TREASURER – freddiecrs
- DIRECTORS – DePhogration, CherokeeThree, Pfenix, TheColdedge
Every year, we host an event to let you meet our new officers (most of them will be there.) We also use this gathering to thank our outgoing board members, as well as volunteers who have helped make NoVAGO great in the previous year. If you’ve hosted an event in the Northern Virginia area in 2022, we thank you.
Special thanks to Nothereeither, Effstop, Zippyfinn, Serrabou, Rufnredy, Awesnap, and most of the people listed above who are staying on from last year.