The NWF (National Wildlife Federation) is embarking on a Geocaching Program. The pilot program will be held on Saturday, May the 15th 2010 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Walker Nature Education Center, 11450 Glade Drive Reston, VA. A topic outlining this program is currently active in the NoVAGO Events Forum – just click on the blue title bar for this post to goto that topic. The program is designed to get children and families back to the outdoors by incorporating geocaching as a recreational activity (shades of The National Forum on Children & Nature, eh?). Of course, they’d like some help from the experts….you!! The event will be listed on, and I believe there will be new geocaches listed as well. Please go to the forum topic, take a look at the schedule, and see if you can’t spare a little time to promote the pastime you enjoy so much.