NoVAGO’s Fall Picnic & Auction


Sunday, October 23, 2016

11 am – 3 pm

Lake Accotink, Fairfax, VA

Event Cache Page

By: Hooclass2002 (with Shameless plagiarism from Derek Tiffany who thanked 2Wheel’in, NetworkCacher, and RufNRedy for much of the original text in this post! :-D)

What the heck is this Silent Auction / Pick-a-Prize thing, and how does it work??? Well, here’s a little Primer on the subject…it’s good to read up, there should be some pretty interesting items up for grabs. The Auction Catalog (below) will be updated as items are donated, please check back often.

Note that for this year, we will be using a mystery “pick-a-prize” format for some items. You may have also heard of it as a “penny social”, “tricky tray”, or “Chinese Auction”. The items are all caching essentials. Swag. Containers. Log Books. Trackables. Tools of the trade. You name it.


When you get to the event, tickets will be available for purchase for $5 per sheet.

View the pick-a-prize items at the event. The organizers provide a container into which you may drop as many (or as few) tickets as you would like. The more tickets you drop, the higher the odds of winning the item!

If you wish, you may certainly drop more tickets into containers throughout the event. However, please do not remove or take back tickets.

Wait for the closing of the pick-a-prize to be announced. Ticket numbers for the winning tickets will be read, and then placed next to the items (so you can check yourself if you miss the announcements).

For a bit more on the subject, see Wikipedia or the post I shamelessly stole this from in 2014 on this very forum.


Take note of the items that interest you and their starting values when you view the auction catalog before the event. This will help you set a limit for your

View the auction items at the event. The organizers provide a bid sheet for each item with a notation of its starting value.

Bid on an item by writing the amount you would like to bid and place your name on the bid sheet.

Go back periodically to the items to see whether you’ve been outbid. As the auction period continues, more people sign bid sheets, and the prices increase.

Write a new amount on the next bid sheet line, along with your name, if you’re willing to increase the bid.

Wait for the closing of the auction to be announced. Please be available and ready to pick up and pay for any of the auctions items you may have won.

More Tips…

  • Check the bid sheets and pick-a-prize containers throughout the event for the items in which you’re interested. Prices and tickets can increase rapidly. :dancing:
  • Please remember that donations benefit NoVAGO directly. This is our primary fund raiser, and it allows us to pay for CITO materials, event pavilion rentals, and furnish the burgers, dogs, and sausages for each of our seasonal events, and covers our web hosting fees.
  • If you have an item you’d like to donate, please contact me (hooclass2002) via a message on, e-mail, or even Facebook…describe the item, and state your silent auction opening bid if you desire to have one. Pictures are great as well! You are welcome to donate anonymously if you so desire. If you’d prefer, you may also contact any of the other officers.
  • See something you like, and plan to bid?? Then I suggest you review the list, research the item(s) you may be interested in, and remember to hit the ATM on the way to the event. As a reminder, NoVAGO conducts a “cash and carry” auction…small bills please, $1.00s, $5.00s, $10.00s and nothing larger than a $20.00.

Here’s the Silent Auction Catalog, I will continually update the list to add items as they are donated/received:


Dephogration Puzzle Solve

Nothereeither Puzzle Solve for See my Kay

In2Mud Puzzle Solve

Serrabou Puzzle Solve

Hooclass2002 – X Marks the Spot Coords and hints

Hooclass2002 – X Marks the Spot guided tour (kayak porting included)

Swag from REI

Dephogration – Hand Crafted Walking Stick

Awesnap – Painted Ammo Can

NoVAGO Officers – CITO set up

NoVAGO – the very last pathtag


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About Awesnap

Originally from Southern Maryland, I moved to Northern Virginia in 2006 where I discovered geocaching in 4 years later. I have been directly involved with the "goings ons" of NoVAGO since 2014 as a director, and I was the Public Affairs Officer for 4 years from January 2016 to December 2019.

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