NoVAGO is proud to announce the 2016 Cache series…

novagomurder(with Shameless plagiarism from Hooclass2002) Last year that dastardly Grinch mischievously sneaked his way around NoVA trying to ruin our holiday fun.  This year, his antics appear to be mere child’s play, as something far more sinister has taken place.

Over the past seven months many of NoVAGO’s bravest and noblest souls have schemed and brewed up a new 2016 cache series – and this time it is a MURDER MYSTERY.

To seek out the answer to the mystery just hunt down collect the clue from each cache. Once you work your way through the series you will know “who done it?”

The fun starts this week with “2016 NoVAGO Series – Murder Mystery – The Preview!” Join us October 12th in the dining area of the Alexandria Wegmans for a town hall meeting with your favorite NoVAGO cachers. Grab some food from the cafe, enjoy the company, and then help us figure out how we’re going to catch the purveyor of pernicious puzzlement. During the event, we’ll give a special preview of our new series.


The mystery so far...

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About Awesnap

Originally from Southern Maryland, I moved to Northern Virginia in 2006 where I discovered geocaching in 4 years later. I have been directly involved with the "goings ons" of NoVAGO since 2014 as a director, and I was the Public Affairs Officer for 4 years from January 2016 to December 2019.

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