Here we are at the end of 2024, this year has been a great one for caching. I personally will be logging my 5000 tomorrow so that’s a nice way to start the next year. Time has flown by and I have enjoyed the last two years as NoVAGO’s President. As we all know, all things must come to an end. BUT when there is an end, we also find new beginnings. I’m ready for my next chapter in the NoVAGO community as Director and former President and still have a lot to give to all. Also with this good news of beginnings comes a new group of board members. Heather (hrothroc) is my Presidential successor and I know she is super excited and has big ideas for the year to come. The rest of the crew is as follows;
Vice-President: Tom Waters (CherokeeThree)
Secretary: Gab Sedor (sedor18)
Treasurer: Freddie Cross (freddiecrs)
Public Relations: Monica Lynch (TrexM8s)
Plus this group will pick the Directors for 2025, if you have an interest in helping this year in any way, please please please let one of us know!
I would like to personally take this moment to thank everyone and especially the current board for all the support and teamwork over the past year. I truly would not have been able to do it all alone. This current group of board members (officers AND directors) has gone above and beyond to bring joy and togetherness within the NoVAGO community. As always we will have the Thanks Event GCATKJH on January 19th Santinis, Chantilly, 3pm-5pm so come celebrate with us. We will have an opportunity to thank all those who contributed to NoVAGO in 2024; cachers, CO’s, board members, directors, volunteers, leaders, series masters, committee groups, donators, idea providers, guidance givers, chefs, reviewers and anyone else who made any type of caching contribution for NoVAGO!
Thanks once more for everything and all the support. It has been an amazingly fun ride. Peace Out and Cache Onward Peeps………… ~Gina aka Thompson Kickers ~
Thanks for all you’ve done, Gina. You’ve been a great President and leader of our group!
Congratulations Heather!
Here’s wishing a Happy and Healthy New Year to all our NoVAGO friends!