Welcome letter from NoVAGO’s president

Welcome letter from NoVAGO’s president We have so much to look forward to this year! First up is our spring picnic, which is always a fantastic time for everyone to come together and enjoy some geocaching fun with friends! We’re still finalizing the date, but we’ll have it for you soon. Plus, there are two great reasons to mark your calendars: cache awards and pathtags! Every year at our spring picnic, we honor the best geocaches from the previous year with an award ceremony. Our awesome volunteers, Schwandt and MrPsyduck, will be leading the cache awards committee again this year. Keep an eye out for their announcements in the coming weeks for your chance to nominate your favorite caches in the area. Your input is essential, so stay tuned on our website or Facebook group for updates! Last year, we reached out to you for new club pathtag design submissions. … Continue reading

Farewell from your 2024 President (that’s me, Gina aka ThompsonKickers)

Here we are at the end of 2024, this year has been a great one for caching. I personally will be logging my 5000 tomorrow so that’s a nice way to start the next year.  Time has flown by and I have enjoyed the last two years as NoVAGO’s President. As we all know, all things must come to an end.  BUT when there is an end, we also find new beginnings.  I’m ready for my next chapter in the NoVAGO community as Director and former President and still have a lot to give to all.  Also with this good news of beginnings comes a new group of board members.  Heather (hrothroc) is my Presidential successor and I know she is super excited and has big ideas for the year to come. The rest of the crew is as follows;  Vice-President: Tom Waters (CherokeeThree) Secretary: Gab Sedor (sedor18) Treasurer: Freddie … Continue reading

Presidents Favorite Points ❤️

A new year.. Read below or WATCH here –> Video of Presidents Favorite Points Jan 2024 January is the time of year where many people make new year’s resolutions for their health, family, finances, and social gatherings.  For those of us who enjoy geocaching, we probably come up with a few extra resolutions or goals.  Could be to attend more events, host events, find or even publish more geocaches.  There are those who like to keep up with streaks or stats, filling the calendar or their grids.  If you don’t have a resolution yet, or are just starting with geocaching and are unsure what goals you should make, stick around and I’ll give you some hints. Events are Social: If you have never been to an event, I definitely suggest you attend one.  They are the red dots on your groundspeak geocaching app and there’s got to be one relatively … Continue reading

Presidents Favorite Points ❤️

Giving Thanks to everyone. As this year comes to a close with all the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping, festivities, decorating and love I wanted to share my own little bit of love and appreciation.  Read on but don’t forget to join us on January 21, 2024 for our official NoVAGO Thanks Event GCAHRY9!   Geocachers, NEW Geocachers, COs & the Young or just Young at Heart I have mentioned before, that it’s just not one person, nor is it just the officers or directors who make Northern Virginia an enjoyable place to cache and socialize.  It truly takes all of us for it to be fun and geocachers who find and hide caches are the driving force of NoVAGO.  In 2023 so far there have been 414 geocaches placed by fellow cachers in NoVAGO jurisdictions as of December 18th.  These have overall been found 8832 times!  The time … Continue reading

Presidents Favorite Points ❤️

2023 @ a Glance (Back)!What happened this year in NoVAGO? Wow, the year has flown right by! I can’t believe the cold weather is upon us. Every winter I want the warm weather, until the green grows in, then I want the cold, then the leaves hide all the caches I want to find. Hopefully everyone had time while the weather was “perfect” to grab some caches this year, there certainly were a lot of great ones published. Before I was elected as NoVAGO President last year I started a list of goals I would love to see happen for us. Our Officers and Directors group also had items on this year’s agenda and I’m happy to say we have accomplished many of those goals and have opened the doors to more! From the outside it may be hard to tell, but we have had many discussions, changes and growth … Continue reading

President’s Favorite Points ❤️ 

Your NoVAGO, Your Choice, Your Chance to Nominate, Vote and be part of the action. Right now you could be thinking: What in the world are you talking about, Gina?   Don’t worry…I’ll tell you…sit back for just a moment. This month’s message will beshorter…For real.  If you are still reading this, you care about or are curious aboutNoVAGO and its goings-on. Here we go… How the NoVAGO Board Gets It Done NoVAGO has a group of dedicated officers, elected each fall by your geocaching peers,and directors, confirmed by the officers, who have volunteered to go above and beyondto keep our operations going, big and small.  Each month the NoVAGO board comestogether to make decisions and take actions on ideas to make geocaching fun in our areafor all cachers – both local and visiting. Working on your behalf, we decide on eventsand activities, find ways to raise and save money to … Continue reading

President’s Favorite Points ❤️

What’s been happening around NoVA? We all have seen those big yellow buses on the road and kiddies with backpacks and lunch boxes crowded on the corners.  That’s because it’s September and school is back in session. Seems too early doesn’t it?   Even though the last few days have been the hottest of the year, Summer is quickly ending.  We all know that the end of Summer turns into Autumn!  Seasonal events & activities are happenings all around & geocachers who have been waiting for the green to fade away, can hit the trail soon.   Autumn is also an exciting time of the year for NoVAGO.  The fall picnic is right around the corner; October 22, 2023.  This year’s picnic will be located at Laurel Hill Park Central Green, Pavilion B, Lorton VA  11AM – 2PM.  Event Cache – GCABN9Y; 2023 NoVAGO Fall Event: Laurel Hill Central Green.  A big … Continue reading