Thank You NoVAGO!


Thank you to everyone who made donations at the “Hauntingly Familiar” NoVAGO’s Fall Picnic and Auction!  A quick scan through our books says this was our biggest day in quite some time.  Enough donations came in that will support most of next year’s events and ensure that 2017 will be set for greatness.

From the pre-order signup sheets interest is high in the upcoming NoVAGO 10 Year anniversary Path Tags and geocoins.

Thank you to all of the officers, volunteers, and family members who assisted with odds and ends of this event. From those of you who sold tickets, supplied pot luck dishes, cleaned up, or just threw in a hand where needed… It was a huge help.


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About Awesnap

Originally from Southern Maryland, I moved to Northern Virginia in 2006 where I discovered geocaching in 4 years later. I have been directly involved with the "goings ons" of NoVAGO since 2014 as a director, and I was the Public Affairs Officer for 4 years from January 2016 to December 2019.

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