#NationalRockDay (July 13)

Today we’re celebrating #NationalRockDay by spotlighting a wherigo cache from the 2022 NoVAGO annual series. Placed by kiisikwa, NoVAGO U: Geology 101 will take you on an adventure through different rock samples. You will be challenged on your knowledge before you can get the coordinates to where the cache is hidden.
“I learned something at each of the stages. Thanks Dr for the lesson and placing this cache!” ~923Graham
“This class rocks!” ~02Hooson
“This was a unique wherigo experience. The lesson was enjoyable, and the geology examples where top notch.” ~Awesnap
“This was a very enjoyable Wherigo! I not only learned something, but I admired how it was set up. I had never done a Wherigo where I had to find cache at each stage.” ~Team_Palazzo
If you were making a geocache cocktail and threw in a little bit of multi-stage cache, a little earthcache, and a hearty helping of wherigo app, this would be what you could expect to get. A cache that will have you trodding through the woods, looking for containers under the leaves and behind fallen trees. Like a multi-stage cache, each container will help you get to the next container. But, using the wherigo app, you’ll have to do a bit more than just find the container to get the green light. So, what kind of extra work are you doing in the woods? Like the name says, you’re now the geology student. It’s all about rocks, each step of the way. NoVAGO U: Geology 101 is a fan favorite with over 40 favorite points. As a bonus, if you scroll back through the photo logs of this cache, there are some funny ones from the days when three teams (greek houses) were competing for best photo on NoVAGO University geocaches. Which team do you think did the photo best?
Winner of 2022 NoVAGO Best Wherigo, Best Educational, and Cache of the Year. Congratulations for all three awards!