Instructions for photo submissions:
Post your entries for the Photo of the Month Contest here. Remember the spirit of the contest is to submit photos taken during caching adventures of sights discovered along the way. It is preferred that entries be of photos recently taken (within the last few months). Please list the cache associated with the photo so others can seek it as well if so inspired. You may nominate another member’s photograph by uploading on their behalf, but please give them credit and only share photos that have already been made public*.
- Enter your geocaching name
- Click “Upload Photo” to open a window that will allow you to browse the files on your computer (file size limited to 2MB).
- Enter a title for your photo.
- Hit ‘Submit’
- You will see ‘Thank you for participating in this contest!” message when your file is uploaded.
We have had great submissions and we encourage people to keep sharing your pictures! Good luck to everyone, and remember to have fun!
Submit your photos for this month’s contest: February 4-15, 2025
Instructions for voting:
Once the submission period closes, the website admin will switch the page so you can view all of the submissions. Click on a thumbnail to get a bigger image – use your browser’s back button to go back to the full list. To vote, click on the thumbnail on the photo you like. Then, click VOTE below the photo. Its that simple!
Vote for your favorite photo for this month: February 16-28, 2025
*webmaster reserves the right to remove submissions from the final voting.