Volunteers Needed

Rufn jeepIt is that time of year again. Various groups throughout the area are planning their summer schedules and we have received several requests for geocaching classes. We are looking for volunteers to help out.

Generally speaking the classes will consist of a short presentation on geocaching and, for most, a short trip into the local wilds looking for caches. NoVAGO has several presentations in hand from previous classes and we are looking to update them before all the classes start, so there is very little prep work to be done. A typical class lasts around 2 hours anad could be any time of day or day of week.

What we need are speakers to give the presentation and a few helpers to accompany the students on a cache hunt. The bottom line is we need YOU, whatever level of support you are comfortable with. As classes come up, we will contact volunteers to check their availability and provide details. By signing up in the forum, you are not committing to anything, we just want to know who might be interested in helping.

We need your help whether you have 1,000 finds or 50 finds.
This is an excellent chance to give something back to the hobby we love.

Just a hint of what’s already been requested:
Loudoun County Library’s Teen Program
Arlington Nature Centers – Long Branch and Gulf Branch Centers
Walter Reed Senior Center in Arlington
and ???

The first class is Sunday, February 10th 2-3:30pm at Long Branch Nature Center
There is a topic in the Volunteer Forum area for this class, and we have no responses so far …
Please consider helping out and add your name to the list …


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