Thoughts for a CITO

Setting up a CITO takes just a bit of motivation, organization and effort which results in a huge difference in the areas we play our game.

You are obviously interested so below are a few thoughts I put down based on my limited experience. Hopefully others will add their wisdom.


1) Need vs Convenience
This area has no shortage of areas that could use some help. You may want to consider something close to where you live, near your caches or in a park where the management is friendly to cachers.

2) Consider your Volunteers
Volunteers come in all shapes and sizes. Consider your terrain rating. While we can’t choose where the trash is we can look for a location that offers everyone a chance to help (maybe split into a few groups). Make sure to let folks know up front what they will be working in.

3) Talk to the Park Manager
Thank them for keeping up a great park and how much you enjoy it. Explain geocaching and the concept of a CITO. See if they have an area they would recommend or let them know of an area you have observed.

Go meet them face to face if possible and walk the area to gauge what you will need. How many people? Any special equipment? (e.g., waders, truck, hobo stab insurance) Are there specific large items or areas for attention that you can grab coordinates for?

Ask manager for:
– Where to pick up
– Free admission to park
– Trash bags
– Where you can leave the trash piles

While at the park select a good meeting point for your team.

Get the Word Out

1) Friends
Pick a date with a few friends. You have a starter crew and they can help with the set up

2) Cache Page
Set up a page when it gets close. Consider cutting and pasting from a past CITO (I did) If you need help with this I am happy to help. Make sure to give details of where you will clean or coordinates so others that get there a bit later can catch up. Once you post it volunteers will materialize quickly.

3) Local Organizations
Drop a note on the NoVAGo page and or MGS page

Snacks and Socializing

1) It’s a social thing
Plan in time for socializing. If you plan the event from 1-3, try to start wrapping up at 2. People have busy schedules and so may plan something immediately following. It’s nice if they have a chance to regroup, talk and pass around a TB or 2.

2) Think if you want snacks for afterwards.
If so, invite folks to bring them or just provide them yourself. We just whipped up a few batches of cookies and grabbed some sodas and water. Low effort and encouraged congregating.

You can do this!

Big thing is that cachers are great. They will show up on time, work hard and have a good time. Several e-mailed me beforehand to see what else they could do. Even if you do forget something (I didn””t bring a log) they will quickly cover for you. Have Fun!


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