NoVAGO Volunteer Profiles: Geocache Placement & Maintenance

#volunteerspotlight Did you know that NoVAGO is 100% run by volunteers? They are ordinary geocachers who want to give a voice for the the wider geocaching community while supporting efforts in their own Northern Virginia area. To spotlight opportunities in the org, we are running a series of job profiles between now and our “Thanks Event,” the annual volunteer appreciation lunch in January. NoVAGO Volunteer Profiles: Geocaching 101 Classes NoVAGO is always on the look out for volunteers willing and able to hide new geocaches in our area. If you’re interested, let us know what area of the map is your favorite and we’ll let you know if we might be able to use your services. Thank you! To offer your services, e-mail … Continue reading

NoVAGO Volunteer Profiles: Geocaching 101 Classes

#volunteerspotlight Did you know that NoVAGO is 100% run by volunteers? They are ordinary geocachers who want to give a voice for the the wider geocaching community while supporting efforts in their own Northern Virginia area. To spotlight opportunities in the org, we are running a series of job profiles between now and our “Thanks Event,” the annual volunteer appreciation lunch in January. NoVAGO Volunteer Profiles: Geocaching 101 Classes Northern Virginia Geocaching Organization is the official face of geocaching in our area. We frequently get requests from members of our community to give presentations about the hobby. We work with schools, scouts, libraries, parks and other groups. This educational outreach is part of our commitment to safe, responsible, and environmentally responsible geocaching. Each request is unique and so every presentation must also be slightly tailored to its audience. We need volunteers who love talking about their favorite hobby, geocaching. We … Continue reading

NoVAGO Volunteer Profiles: Officers

#volunteerspotlight Did you know that NoVAGO is 100% run by volunteers? They are ordinary geocachers who want to give a voice for the the wider geocaching community while supporting efforts in their own Northern Virginia area. To spotlight opportunities in the org, we are running a series of job profiles between now and our “Thanks Event,” the annual volunteer appreciation lunch in January. NoVAGO Volunteer Profiles: Officers Our annual officer elections take place during the month of December. A nominations and election committee is formed to make the process run smoothly. This team will be accepting nomination for officer positions during the entire month of November. Anyone wanting to self nominate may reach out to the committee. If you know someone who you think would be perfect for one of the jobs, you may also reach out. The committee will contact each person nominated to confirm their interest before they … Continue reading

NoVAGO Volunteer Profiles: Nominations and Elections Committee

#volunteerspotlight Did you know that NoVAGO is 100% run by volunteers? They are ordinary geocachers who want to give a voice for the the wider geocaching community while supporting efforts in their own Northern Virginia area. To spotlight opportunities in the org, we are running a series of job profiles between now and our “Thanks Event,” the annual volunteer appreciation lunch in January. NoVAGO Volunteer Profiles: Nominations & Elections Committee Our annual officer elections take place during the month of December. A Nominations and Election Committee is formed to make the process run smoothly. This team will be accepting nomination for officer positions during the entire month of November. They will contact each person nominated to confirm their interest. In December they will create a ballot for any contested positions and will supervise an election. This committee is the first to know who will make up the officer slate in … Continue reading

2023 NoVAGO Fall Picnic

On Sunday, October 22, 2023, NoVAGO held its annual Fall Picnic. The event was held in Lorton on the new Laurel Hill Central Green. Prior to the event there was a CITO event, also on the Central Green. During the event, several geocaches published around the park. There was also a silent auction which took place during the event. This year’s NoVAGO board is a high functioning team and while all the members contributed advice the following were there in person to make the 2023 NoVAGO Fall event as success! TrexM8s compared locations and found one big enough for our group. She worked with the park managers to make the event a success, including getting permission for the CITO and the caches hidden in the park. In addition, she helped organize the silent auction. ThompsonKickers provided a new twist to the icebreaker, decorations, several donations and her positive energy. Hrothroc promoted the event … Continue reading