NoVAGO Fall Auction

Our annual auction is our main source of revenue to support our two picnics held in the spring and fall. We pay for rental of the pavilions we use as well as the food and extras that make the picnic fun. Income from our auction also pays for our organization’s website as well as educational support materials which we use for community outreach. We rely on our members to donate the items which end up on the auction tables. Please look around for a gently used items that you believe will interest another geocacher and consider donating. Some items donated in the past are: collections of pathtags/geocoins, walking sticks, premium membership, headlamps, books, hand-held GPS units, geocaching starter kit, unactivated travel bugs/car decal, and lots of geocaching containers. Sometimes our members donated non-tangibles, too. Gifts of time are welcome, too. How about auctioning yourself as a caching buddy for … Continue reading

2023 NoVAGO Fall Picnic

On Sunday, October 22, 2023, NoVAGO held its annual Fall Picnic. The event was held in Lorton on the new Laurel Hill Central Green. Prior to the event there was a CITO event, also on the Central Green. During the event, several geocaches published around the park. There was also a silent auction which took place during the event. This year’s NoVAGO board is a high functioning team and while all the members contributed advice the following were there in person to make the 2023 NoVAGO Fall event as success! TrexM8s compared locations and found one big enough for our group. She worked with the park managers to make the event a success, including getting permission for the CITO and the caches hidden in the park. In addition, she helped organize the silent auction. ThompsonKickers provided a new twist to the icebreaker, decorations, several donations and her positive energy. Hrothroc promoted the event … Continue reading

Fall Auction List

NoVAGO’s 3rd Annual Hauntingly Familiar Fall Event October 28th is is quickly approaching and with that comes our annual Fall Event and Auction.  This auction is what sets up NoVAGO’s operating budget for the following year.  Please remember that donations benefit NoVAGO directly. This is NoVAGO’s primary fund raiser, and it allows us to pay for CITO materials, event pavilion rentals, and furnish the burgers, dogs, and sausages for each of our seasonal events, and covers our web hosting fees. If you have an item you’d like to donate, please contact Awesnap via a message on, e-mail, or even Facebook.  Please describe the item, and state your silent auction opening bid if you desire to have one. Pictures are great as well! You are welcome to donate anonymously if you so desire. If you’d prefer, you may also contact any of the other officers.  Here’s the Silent Auction Catalog, … Continue reading