Hide a cache: NoVAGO’s Annual Series

Have you always wanted to be a part of hiding caches in NoVAGO’s annual series? Not sure who to ask or where to start? Now’s the time to raise your hand and show your interest. We’ve developed a survey for interested COs to submit their cache ideas.

What do you need to know?

  • The D/T ratings for these caches will be no higher than 2/2 to reach broadly across the caching community.
  • Each cache page will include a description that highlights the area, focusing on history and/or places of interest.
  • The page should include links to at least three additional caches that could interest a visiting cacher.
  • NoVAGO will review the proposals and select the cache for each area.
  • NoVAGO will initially publish the caches and will adopt them back to their creators by the end of 2019.
  • Our expectation is all of the 2019 caches will be available through at least the end of 2020.

But what is the theme?

Shh! All will be revealed in good time. For now, we’re just looking for volunteers.

More questions?

Feel free to contact any NoVAGO officers, ask your questions in the comments, or join our Slack workspace. We have a channel specifically for the series.

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