Happy New Year …

Rufn jeepJust wanted to say a few words to kick things off.   This will probably be the only time you will get a “few” words out of me 😉

First, I would like to thank the outgoing Officers and Directors for all their work in the past year.  We have come a long way this year with many new members and milestones galore.


I would ask everyone to welcome in the new Officers for 2013:

President                   rufnredy
Vice President        Schwandt
Secretary                 WVKiwi
Treasurer                 KanukGirl
Public Relations    Nicole and Jim

We are all looking forward to a great year and much success.

Part of our plan is to have a number of events throughout the area.
The first is GC42XH3 Thanks!  We want to invite everyone to attend this Thursday evening.  It is a chance to thank the outgoing officers for a job well done and to meet the new officers who will lead NoVAGO through 2013.  Please mark your calendar and attend.  It is guaranteed to be a fun time.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the event and many more to come.

Please watch this space for more announcements and event dates.

Cache on …

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