8:11 PM
Cachers who pre-ordered by November 15th:
The 123123 Trackables will be available for pick up at the MGS and NoVAGO 123123 events:
- GCAGDZ4: MGS 123123sday 11:30 – 12:30 Pike Kitchen, 1066 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD
- GCAGCH0: NoVAGO 123sDAY: 12/31/23 New Year’s Eve Event 2:00 – 3:00 Ledo’s, 8324 Old Keene Mill Rd, West Springfield, VA
Log your Will Attend!
NoVAGO Cachers may message Monica Lynch, TrexM8s if you would like to arrange for payment in advance.
Reminder: The MGS version will feature colors from the Maryland state flag. In the NoVAGO version, the trackable will highlight the blues and greens of the great Virginia outdoors. There will also be an American version featuring red, white and blue. These fundraisers will only be available through MGS and NoVAGO. You can purchase one trackable for $15, two trackables for $25 or three trackables for $35. Your trackables will be delivered during NoVAGO and MGS caching events on New Year’s Eve.