Spotlight Cache: NoVAGO U: Geology 101

#NationalRockDay (July 13) Today we’re celebrating #NationalRockDay by spotlighting a wherigo cache from the 2022 NoVAGO annual series. Placed by kiisikwa, NoVAGO U: Geology 101 will take you on an adventure through different rock samples. You will be challenged on your knowledge before you can get the coordinates to where the cache is hidden. “I learned something at each of the stages. Thanks Dr for the lesson and placing this cache!” ~923Graham “This class rocks!” ~02Hooson “This was a unique wherigo experience. The lesson was enjoyable, and the geology examples where top notch.” ~Awesnap “This was a very enjoyable Wherigo! I not only learned something, but I admired how it was set up. I had never done a Wherigo where I had to find cache at each stage.” ~Team_Palazzo If you were making a geocache cocktail and threw in a little bit of multi-stage cache, a little earthcache, and a … Continue reading

Geocaching 101, Alexandria, June 17th

Geocaching 101, Alexandria, June 17th If you are just getting started with geocaching and want to learn more, please join us at the Martha Washington Library two weeks from today on June 17th. This Geocaching 101 class is perfect for beginners but open for all. It is also a geocache event, so you may log it as ‘attended’ when you come. The library’s page: The geocache event page: … Continue reading

2024 Spring Picnic Recap

NoVAGO Celebrates ‘Best of 2023’ with Spring Picnic NoVAGO announced winners of 2023 geocaching awards in Berryville, May 19, 2024 Members of the Northern Virginia Geocaching Organization gathered on Sunday, May 19th, 2024 at Chet Hobert Park in Berryville. As is our tradition, we announced winners of our geocaching awards, handed out some prizes, enjoyed a pot luck meal, did a little geocaching, and enjoyed the geocaching community we share. NoVAGO 2024 Spring Picnic and Awards Event. Any apprehensions that the late season date would lead to uncomfortable heat, were completely unfounded. In fact, the early reports of rain gave way to a warning of morning sprinkles that never materialized. Pop-up tents had been brought along for good measure, but remained untouched in our cars. The day started cloudy and mild, but warmed up with the sun just in time for some geocaching. Chet Hobert Park was a perfect host. … Continue reading

NOVAGO’s 2023 Geocache Award Winners

Winners of NOVAGO’s 2023 Geocache Awards Thanks to all those who took the time to send in nominations and also to those who voted. MrPsyduck and Schwandt graciously formed an awards committee and together did the bulk of the work to get the nominations narrowed down and run a ballot. Thank you fellas! One of our talented members, HyperactiveGirl, whipped up some extra gifts for our winner to go along with the traditional trackable tags. We gathered in Chet Hobert Park in Berryville on May 19th, 2024 to find out who would bring home the prizes as well as get to display the special winner’s SWAG on their cache pages. Drum roll, please . . . . And the winners are Best Traditional Cache NoVAGO Moviepalooza:The Sound of Music (GCAEQB7) by rlobecker Best Mystery/Puzzle Cache NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Nat’l Treasure:Book of Secrets (GCAEPVZ) by sedor18 Best Multi-Cache NoVAGO Moviepalooza: Godzilla (1954) (GCAEKH8) … Continue reading

Virtual Rewards 4.0

Virtual Rewards 4.0 Virtual caches do not have a physical container and are designated on the maps as ghosts.  mcgmaraudersNoVAGO feature article writerTrevor has over 12,000 geocache finds from all around the globe. He also owns more than 140 hides, mostly in the Northern Virginia area. His favorite virtual find is the Lion Gate in Mycenae, Greece (pictured) “There was very little shade and it was 107 deg F, but the Lion Gate, erected in 1250 BC, was most definitely my favorite.” Coordinates are given for an interesting or unique location, typically with a described object such as an art sculpture, historical landmark or a scenic lookout. Validation for finding a virtual cache generally requires emailing information to the cache owner, and/or to post a picture of yourself with your log.  From 2005 to 2017, the geocaching website no longer permitted the placement of new caches without a physical container, … Continue reading


SAVE THE DATE! 2024 NoVAGO Spring Picnic & Awards

Northern Virginia Geocaching Organization invites you to join our spring picnic. In addition to eating burgers, hot dogs, and potluck sides, there will lots of opportunities to meet nice folks and trade geocaching stories. The award winners for the 2023 Best of NoVAGO will be announced at the picnic as well.  Where: Chet Hobert Park, 225 Al Smith Circle, Berryville – Rotary ShelterWhen: Sunday, May 19, 2022, 11:00 am – 2:00 pmPlease RSVP on the Event Page. 

Spotlighting DC Boundary Stones in Virginia

Spotlighting DC Boundary Stones in Virginia International Day For Monuments and Sites (April 18, 2024) #spotlightcache Today we are spotlighting geocaches placed along the DC Boundary Stones in Virginia. They are listed in this article from north to south. The country’s first federal monuments were stone markers placed in 1791 on the original boundary of the new capital city. These boundary stones were the brainchild of George Washington to mark out the border. There were originally 40 markers, one for each mile of the 10 x 10-mile diamond plat of land. As you go through these geocache pages, you’ll learn a little more about the unique history of these federal markers, as many of these cache owners have really done their homework. DC Cornerstone (GC6781) The most northern of Virginia’s boundary stones that is accessible to the public, “DC Cornerstone” is one of the four cornerstones. When you are in … Continue reading

Nominees for NOVAGO’s 2023 Geocache Awards

Nominees for NOVAGO’s 2023 Geocache Awards Thanks to all those who took the time to send in nominations. While not all nominations were able to make the final cut, we were impressed with every suggestion. The hardworking awards committee have compiled the caches on this list from the very best of 2023. We invite all geocachers to go out and find as many of these wonderful caches as possible. For a geocaching friendly list, CLICK HERE. Click Here to Vote (link will be active April 1-15) Voting is scheduled to be open for ALL categories April 1-15, 2024. Winners will be announced at our NoVAGO 2024 Spring Picnic and Awards Event on May 19th in Berryville. [Details of the event will be in a future post.] Without further ado, here are the nominees: Best Traditional Cache (GCA7TTZ) April Showers by treasures4us (GCAAYK9) Choose Your Own Adventure – Trekking By The … Continue reading

2023 Cache Award Nominations are now OPEN

Each year NoVAGO honors some of the best caches that were placed in Northern Virginia. Cache nominations and awards are a chance for you to recognize the efforts of fellow NoVAGO cachers who have placed hides that you have enjoyed.  Help recognize the great caches and the people who placed them by nominating your favorites for the 2023 NoVAGO Cache Awards! Categories have changed since last year. It is strongly recommended that you review the award categories BEFORE heading to the nomination form.  Full description of award categories can be found at Award Categories – Updates for 2024 The link below will take you to the nomination form. As you will see on the form, you will be finding your favorite caches in a drop down list selected by the awards committee, with the option to search with key words. The format of this form works best on a computer. … Continue reading

Award Categories – Updates for 2024

Each year NoVAGO honors some of the best caches that were placed in Northern Virginia. Nominations are an opportunity for you to recognize the efforts of your fellow NoVAGO cachers who have placed hides that you have enjoyed. This list is meant to help you think of some of the best geocaches you found last year. For the 2023 NoVAGO Awards, nominations will be solicited for the following categories. Three new categories have been proposed: Hider of the Year, Youth Cacher of the Year, and Youth Newcomer of the Year. In addition, some changes have been introduced for some other categories. Make sure that you refresh your understanding of the categories before submitting your nominations. Also, please note that none of these categories are required to be awarded each year. Cache type awards can be combined after the nomination period. -Printable worksheet to plan your nominations before heading to the … Continue reading